Perennial: lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring
Perennial: lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring

Join Sheila Gendich, MD and Perennial Wellness learning about the daily uses with essential oils.
Not sure what to do with essential oils? Bring your oils and learn how to use them for illness, household products or just daily life.
Sheila will discuss the most commonly used oils and go over any oils you bring the day of class. Sheila will talk about uses in building your immune system, preventing illness and how to increase recovery time from sickness. This is great information for the upcoming fall and winter months.
Sheila will also address mood stabilizing for winter months.
Sheila will have different oils and products to make up samples to take home and begin using for a very reasonable cost.
You will leave confident and ready to implement oils in your daily routine.
Bring a carrier oil. Examples: coconut oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil or olive oil.
The class is $26. Pre-registration is REQUIRED.
You may send payment via PayPal: